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Nova (Blue).png
Health.png Health Attack.png Attack Counter.png Counter
3 3 12
Other Stats
Card Description
Hits all enemies
Trigger when self or ally loses Block.png Block
Card Art

Nova is a Companion that the player can bring along on a run.


Nova has a unique Reaction.png Reaction that triggers whenever any player card loses Block.png Block. In addition, they hit all enemies at once, dealing huge total damage when the enemy field is full and allowing them to scale exceptionally well with Attack.png attack buffs, Spice.png Spice, and Charms that inflict debuffs. While Nova only gets one chance to react at base, they can combo with Blunky.png Blunky and the Ice Dice.png Ice Dice, as well as Charms and Leaders that interact with Block. Additionally, Nova does have a Counter.png Counter (albeit a very long one). The fact that it exists at all makes Nova eligible for Counter-modifying cards and Charms like the Blaze Tea.png Blaze Tea, Balance Charm.pngBalance Charm, and Jimbo Charm.pngJimbo Charm. With the right support, Nova can attack regularly even without reacting.

While having Block around to take strong hits is obviously valuable, it's possible to manually trigger Nova's Reaction in a pinch by damaging them or an allied card with an Item to break a stack of Block. The Peppereaper.png Peppereaper is particularly notable for this purpose, as it breaks Block while also giving Nova Spice.

Beware of enemies that have Teeth.png Teeth or Smackback, as Nova will unavoidably hit those enemies and take damage from them. Because the damage will break Nova's Block, Nova will attack again in a row and take damage again, which may kill them. However, if Nova has gained several stacks of Block from sources like the Frozen Heart Charm.pngFrozen Heart Charm, this can actually be beneficial and allows Nova to punish the entire enemy field due to a single enemy countering them.

Nova's ability to hit all enemies makes them highly effective at securing combo Bling.png Blings with attack buffs, allowing them to wipe out the enemy field in one fell swoop.

Since the copy created by the Blank Mask.png Blank Mask keeps positive statuses, it will inherit all Block that Nova has. This drastically increases Nova's damage output, as all the Novas will trigger at once whenever a single stack of Block breaks, and each copy will have more Block to break. This is still inherently limited due to Nova's low base Health.png health and the Summoned ability draining the copies' health with each attack, so having health boosts on hand can get more mileage out of them.


  • Nova is the only player card that inherently has Block.png Block.
  • Nova has the second-longest base Counter.png Counter among all cards, beaten only by the ICGM.png I.C.G.M.


Other Languages

Language Official Name Description
English Nova Hits all enemies
Trigger when self or ally loses Block.png Block
新星 攻击所有敌人
自己或友军失去Block.png 格挡时触发
新星 攻擊所有敵人
自己或隊友失去Block.png 格擋時觸發
Korean 노바 모든 적에게 명중
자신 또는 아군이 Block.png 방어벽 상실 시 발동
Japanese ノヴァ すべての敵に命中する
自分または味方がBlock.png ブロックを失った時に発動する