Blaze Bom

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Blaze Bom
Blaze Bom (Bumblebee).png
Attack.png Attack
Other Stats

Card Description
Add x1 Frenzy.png Frenzy
Apply 4 Bom.png Bom
Card Art
Blaze Bom.png

Blaze Bom is an item players may accumulate over a run. This card is exclusive to the Clunkmasters Tribe.


The Blaze Bom is a high-risk, high-reward card. Adding Frenzy.png Frenzy to a card drastically boosts its damage and effects, but inflicting so much Bom.png Bom makes most Companions die in just one or two hits, even those that have a lot of Health.png health. However, Bom has little impact on the longevity of Clunkers (the only effect of 4 Bom is that enemies with -3 Attack.png attack can hurt them), so an offensive Clunker can take good advantage. The Blaze Bom can also be used on an enemy to deal significantly more damage to it, but if the team cannot handle its extra Frenzy then it must be defeated before it can take advantage.

Notably, the Blaze Bom hits the targeted card, as it has an attack stat. As a result, if it is used on a card that has Bom already (such as a card that it was previously used on), it will deal damage to it.

Bom inflicted by the Blaze Bom can be Cleansed with Bonnie.png Bonnie or the Berry Basket.png Berry Basket, making it much safer to use. Recalling the affected card removes its Bom without affecting its Frenzy, but keep in mind the damage loss that comes from having to redraw and redeploy the card.

The Blaze Bom scales very well with things that boost its effects, such as the Cake Charm.pngCake Charm and Lumin Ring.pngLumin Ring. This will likely make the affected card die in a single hit no matter what, but the extra Frenzy can make up for it if used on the right card.


Other Languages

Language Official Name Translation Description
English Blaze Bom Add x1 Frenzy.png Frenzy
Apply 4 Bom.png Bom
Lièhuǒ Dàn
Fire Bomb 增加x1 Frenzy.png 狂热
施加4 Bom.png 虚弱
Lièhuǒ Dàn
Fire Bomb 增加x1 Frenzy.png 狂熱
施加4 Bom.png 砰砰
Korean 블레이즈 봄
Beulreijeu Bom
Blaze Bom x1 Frenzy.png 격노 추가
4 Bom.png 부여
Japanese 炎のボム
Honō no Bomu
Flame Bomb x1 Frenzy.png ゲキドを追加する
4 Bom.png ボムを与える