Big Peng

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Big Peng
Big Peng (BigPeng).png
Health.png Health Attack.png Attack Counter.png Counter
10 1 4
Other Stats

Card Description
Gain +1 Attack.png Attack when an ally is killed
Card Art
Big Peng.png

Big Peng is the miniboss that the player encounters in the fight against The Pengoons.

Activating the Titan Bell will cause an upgraded version of it to spawn. Its upgrade is randomly selected from the list:


Big Peng is an easy encounter as one of the first minibosses, but not a guaranteed victory. It appears alongside four other Pengoon.png Pengoons that attack every other turn and can quickly pile on damage with their sheer numbers. Although Big Peng gains Attack.png attack when its allies are killed, it's still more worthwhile to focus on the other Pengoons first, since they have much lower Counter.png Counters; Big Peng gaining 1 attack deals 1 more damage per 4 turns, but leaving a Pengoon alive allows it to deal 2 damage per 4 turns. Big Peng lacks Resist Snow.png Resist Snow, so it's easy to Snow.png Snow it to slow it down once its attack increases. Alternatively, use a Clunker or Shade to block the attack and buy enough time to finish off Big Peng before it can attack again.


Other Languages

Language Official Name Translation Description
English Big Peng Gain +1 Attack.png Attack when an ally is killed
Qǐé Lǎodà
Penguin Boss 一名友军被击杀时,获得+1 Attack.png 攻击
Qǐé Lǎodà
Penguin Boss 一名隊友被擊殺時,獲得+1 Attack.png 攻擊
Korean 거대한 펭
Geodaehan Peng
Giant Peng 아군이 살해당하면 +1 Attack.png 공격 획득
Japanese ビッグペン
Big Pen 味方が倒された時に+1 Attack.png アタックを得る