Veiled Lady

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Veiled Lady
Veiled Lady (VeiledLady).png
Health.png Health Attack.png Attack Counter.png Counter
12 0 3
Other Stats
Card Description
Apply 3 Shroom.png Shroom
Card Art
Veiled Lady.png

Veiled Lady is the miniboss that the player encounters in the fight against The Noxious Shrooms.

Activating the Titan Bell will cause an upgraded version of her to spawn with a Lumin Ring.pngLumin Ring.


The Veiled Lady can inflict a respectable 3 Shroom.png Shroom to deal a total of 6 damage over time per attack (or a whopping 10 total damage with the Titan Bell active). While recalling Companions will cure them of Shroom, it also hurts the deck's damage output, since it requires redrawing and redeploying the recalled cards. Rushing down the Veiled Lady is generally the way to go, as playing too defensively allows her and other enemies to keep snowballing Shroom to lethal levels. Since Shroom only deals damage at the end of the turn, Clunkers and Shades can also take multiple attacks at once that inflict Shroom.


Other Languages

Language Official Name Translation Description
English Veiled Lady Apply 3 Shroom.png Shroom
Shāgū Nǚshì
Mushroom-veiled Lady 施加3 Shroom.png 毒菇
Shāgū Nǚshì
Mushroom-veiled Lady 施加3 Shroom.png 毒菇
Korean 베일을 쓴 여인
Beireul Sseun Yeoin
Veil-wearing Woman 3 Shroom.png 독버섯 부여
Japanese ヴェールレディ
Veil Lady 3 Shroom.png シュルームを与える