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Pombomb (PomegranateBomb).png
Attack.png Attack
Other Stats

Card Description
Hits all undamaged enemies
Card Art

Pombomb is an item players may accumulate over a run.


The Pombomb is one of few cards with the capacity to hit every enemy at once, but it has the restriction that only enemies at max Health.png health are hit. This makes the Pombomb very powerful at the start of a battle and whenever a new wave of enemies appears, but it is almost completely useless otherwise. To make the most of the Pombomb, take out enemies methodically, one or two at a time, and try to avoid dealing any damage to any others.

Giving Charms to the Pombomb lets it apply debuffs to many enemies in a single play. Frenzy.png Frenzy does not work well with it, as it will check if enemies are at full health in between the Frenzy hits. Any Charm that Consumes it is also useful, particularly the Molten Egg Charm.pngMolten Egg Charm, getting a single high-value mass attack in the early fight and removing it so that it never shows up again when it wouldn't be useful. The Flameblade Charm.pngFlameblade Charm reduces its Attack.png attack to 0 and applies Overburn.png Overburn instead, dealing significantly more damage and also allowing it to be played multiple times on enemies with a lot of health.

Unlike health, Scrap.png Scrap does not have a "maximum" amount per card; a Spike Wall.png Spike Wall does not start at 3 out of 3 Scrap, it just starts with 3 Scrap. As a result, the Pombomb will always hit Clunkers, even if they've lost some Scrap already.

The Pombomb is notable in the fights with The Shelled Husks and The Ice Krabs, as these fights revolve around Shell.png Shell and Block.png Block, respectively. Since the Pombomb hits anything at full health, it can hit these enemies repeatedly, as their Shell and Block are used up in place of health first. It is also very useful in the fight with Truffle, since Truffle.png Truffle's copies created by its Split ability always enter the battle at max health.


Other Languages

Language Official Name Translation Description
English Pombomb Hits all undamaged enemies
Shíliu Zhàdàn
Pomegranate Bomb 攻击所有未受伤害的敌人
Shíliu Zhàdàn
Pomegranate Bomb 攻擊所有未受傷害的敵人
Korean 왕폭탄
Big Bomb 피해를 입지 않은 모든 적에게 명중
Japanese ポムボム
Pombomb すべての無傷の敵に命中する