Haze Keg

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Haze Keg
Haze Keg (HazeBlaze).png
Attack.png Attack
Other Stats

Card Description
Apply 1 Haze.png Haze
Recycle 2
Card Art
Haze Keg.png

Haze Keg is an item players may accumulate over a run. This card is exclusive to the Clunkmasters Tribe.


The Haze Keg is a valuable card as a repeatable source of Haze.png Haze, which can work wonders to disrupt enemies and waste their turns. However, due to Recycle it requires a constant flow of Junk.png Junk to work. Depending on the fight, it may also wind up outclassed by the Supersnower.png Supersnower, which affects an entire row of enemies and Snow.png Snows them.

The Fidget Charm.pngFidget Charm turns the Haze Keg's Recycle ability into Trash, making it playable with no Junk in hand. Make sure to have something to use the created Junk for so that it doesn't clog up the deck, however.


Other Languages

Language Official Name Translation Description
English Haze Keg Apply 1 Haze.png Haze
Recycle 2
Xiǎowù Tǒng
Small Fog Bucket 施加1 Haze.png 迷雾
回收 2
Xiǎowù Tǒng
Small Fog Bucket 施加1 Haze.png 霧霾
回收 2
Korean 안개 통
Angae Tong
Fog Barrel 1 Haze.png 안개 부여
재활용 2
Japanese ヘイズの樽
Heizu no Taru
Haze Barrel 1 Haze.png コンランを与える
リサイクル 2