Yeti Skull

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Yeti Skull
Yeti Skull (SnowMaul).png
Attack.png Attack
Other Stats

Card Description
Kill an ally
Apply 3 Snow.png Snow to enemies in the row
Card Art
Yeti Skull.png

Yeti Skull is an item players may accumulate over a run. This card is exclusive to the Shademancers Tribe.


The Yeti Skull has huge potential for slowing down enemies by Snow.png Snowing a whole row, but it requires a sacrifice. Most of the time, this effectively will require 2 turns to pull off: one turn to summon or deploy the card to sacrifice, and one turn to actually play the Yeti Skull. Try to get as much mileage out of the card to sacrifice as possible before actually sacrificing it. Chikichi.png Chikichi, Egg.png Egg, and Snuffer.png Snuffer all summon a Shade to replace them, making them prime sacrificial candidates.


Other Languages

Language Official Name Translation Description
English Yeti Skull Kill an ally
Apply 3 Snow.png Snow to enemies in the row
Xuěrén Kūlóu
Snowman Skull 击杀一名友军
对同排敌人施加3 Snow.png 雪球
Xuěrén Kūlóu
Snowman Skull 擊殺一名隊友
對同一排的敵人施加3 Snow.png 冰雪
Korean 예티 두개골
Yeti Dugaegol
Yeti Skull 하나의 아군을 죽임
그 줄에 있는 모든 적에게 3 Snow.png 눈 효과 부여
Japanese イエティのガイコツ
Ieti no Gaikotsu
Yeti Skeleton 味方1体を倒す
敵1列に3 Snow.png スノーを与える