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Alloy (Turmeep).png
Health.png Health Attack.png Attack Counter.png Counter
12 6 5
Other Stats
1 Bom.png Bom
Card Description
Apply 1 Scrap.png Scrap to a random ally
Card Art

Alloy is a Companion that the player can bring along on a run. They are exclusive to the Clunkmasters Tribe.


Clunkers that interact with their Scrap.png Scrap in some way or have effects when hit are the best candidates for Alloy's ability, such as the Mega Mimik.png Mega Mimik, Bitebox.png Bitebox, ICGM.png I.C.G.M., and Plinker.png Plinker. However, the extra Scrap is always useful for having a Clunker take a hit in place of a Companion.

Although Alloy's base Health.png health is respectable, their starting Bom.png Bom makes their effective health significantly lower. Bonnie.png Bonnie and Berry Basket.png Berry Basket can Cleanse the Bom, although it's usually more worthwhile to just have another defensive Companion to take hits.

The Tootordion.png Tootordion is of particular note with Alloy, as it may trigger Alloy and have them add more Scrap to it. This is most consistent with as few Companions on the field as possible and with no other Clunkers, however, which may be more trouble than it's worth.

Other Languages

Language Official Name Translation Description
English Alloy Apply 1 Scrap.png Scrap to a random ally
Core 对一名随机友军施加1 Scrap.png 碎片
Alloy 對隨機隊友施加1 Scrap.png 碎片
Korean 얼로이
Alloy 무작위의 아군에게 1 Scrap.png 폐목재 부여
Japanese アロイ
Alloy ランダムな味方に1 Scrap.png スクラップを与える


  • 1.0: Added. Description read: On kill, apply 1 Scrap.png Scrap to a random ally
  • 1.1.0: Health.png Health reduced from 15 to 12, starting Bom.png Bom reduced from 2 to 1. Effect changed to: Apply 1 Scrap.png Scrap to a random ally