Baby Snowbo

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Baby Snowbo
Baby Snowbo Card.png
Health.png Health Attack.png Attack Counter.png Counter
1 1 2
Other Stats

Card Description
Card Art
Baby Snowbo.png

Baby Snowbo is an enemy which the player can encounter during a run. It appears in the fights with the The Bog Berries, The Snow Lumps, The Pengoons, and Bamboozle.


Baby Snowbos are extraordinarily weak and inflict only chip damage, but the damage can pile up surprisingly quickly thanks to their low Counter.png Counters. Since any damaging attack or Item can take them out, defeat them quickly so that they can't chip away at the team while handling bigger enemies. Their extremely low Health.png health also makes them easy combo fodder for free extra Bling.png Blings, so try and take them out with an Item during a turn where a Companion will defeat other enemies.


Other Languages

Language Official Name Translation
English Baby Snowbo
Xue Bo Bao
Xuěbō Bǎobǎo
Snow Wave Baby
Korean 아기 스노보
Agi Seunobo
Baby Snowbo
Japanese ベビー・スノーボー
Baby Snowbo