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Shroomine (Shroomine).png
Scrap.png Scrap Attack.png Attack Counter.png Counter

Other Stats

Card Description
When hit, apply 4 Shroom.png Shroom to the attacker
Card Art

Shroomine is a Clunker that can be obtained in a run. This item is exclusive to the Snowdwellers Tribe.


The Shroomine is a decent single-use blocker, dealing a total of 10 damage across four turns via Shroom.png Shroom. This is more effective in a Shroom deck, but is still usable outside of one.

The Shroominator.png Shroominator causes the Shroomine to inflict a whopping 8 Shroom instead, dealing significantly more damage. The Fungo Blaster.png Fungo Blaster can allow leftover Shroom to move to a new victim, but the Shroomine is generally best used to block high-damage hits from strong enemies, which are not likely to be killed by the Shroom. Having sources of Shell.png Shell, Block.png Block, Scrap.png Scrap, or Frost.png Frost allows the Shroomine to inflict Shroom multiple times over, making it particularly effective at punishing enemies that attack quickly (especially since those enemies tend to have low Health.png health).


Other Languages

Language Official Name Translation Description
English Shroomine When hit, apply 4 Shroom.png Shroom to the attacker
Gū Dìléi
Mushroom Mine 受到攻击时,对攻击者施加4 Shroom.png 毒菇
Gū Dìléi
Mushroom Mine 受到攻擊時,對攻擊者施加4 Shroom.png 毒菇
Korean 버섯지뢰
Mushroom Mine 피격 시, 공격자에게 4 Shroom.png 독버섯 부여
Japanese シュルーム爆弾
Shurūmu Bakudan
Shroom Bomb 攻撃された時、攻撃者に4 Shroom.png シュルームを与える