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Shen (Zoog).png
Health.png Health Attack.png Attack Counter.png Counter
6 0 4
Other Stats

Card Description
Apply 2 Overburn.png Overburn
Increase by 1 when hit
Card Art

Shen is a Companion that the player can bring along on a run. They are exclusive to the Shademancers Tribe.


Shen has the potential to inflict huge amounts of Overburn.png Overburn in a single attack, as their effect becomes stronger and stronger the more hits they take in a battle. However, they have fairly low base Health.png health, so healing, health-boosting Charms, or Frost.png Frost are important for maximizing their potential.

Numerical effects that can be modified are written in orange, so boosting Shen's effects with a source such as the Lumin Ring.pngLumin Ring or Lupa.png Lupa will only boost the base amount of Overburn inflicted. They will not affect the amount of Overburn gained when Shen is hit.

If Shen gains the ability to inflict other debuffs through Charms, such as the Snowball Charm.pngSnowball Charm, Shen will also apply more of those debuffs after being hit. However, other numerical effects gained from Charms (e.g. Fury 4 from the Frog Charm.pngFrog Charm) will not be boosted.

Remember a hit does not need to deal damage to count as a hit. This means that Shen gains benefits from being hit from 0 damage attacks, such as those from Makoko.png Makoko and Shrootles.png Shrootles. In the case of Shrootles, however, and any Shroom emeny, Shen's base health of 6 means they will die quickly to Shroom if not recalled or healed.


  • 1.2.0: Other "Apply X" debuffs are now increased with Shen's effect, base Overburn.png Overburn increased from 1 to 2

Other Languages

Language Official Name Translation Description
English Shen Apply 1 Overburn.png Overburn
Increase by 1 when hit

State 施加1 Overburn.png 过载

State 施加1 Overburn.png 超載
Shen 1 Overburn.png 태워먹기 부여
피격 시 1만큼 증가
Japanese シェン
Shen 1 Overburn.png バクハツスンゼンを与える