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Krunker (Phase 2)
Krunker (ClunkerBoss2).png
Health.png Health Attack.png Attack Counter.png Counter
50 3 2
Other Stats
Card Description
Krunker (Phase 1)
Krunker (ClunkerBoss).png
Scrap.png Scrap Attack.png Attack Counter.png Counter
8 8 3
Other Stats

Card Description

Krunker is a Boss-type enemy that the player can encounter in the Krunker Fight.

As of v1.1.0, activating the Titan Bell will cause an upgraded version of it to spawn. Its upgrade is randomly selected from the list:


The battle with Krunker is a unique fight due to its Bombard ability and the fact that it is a Clunker, making rapid attacks far more valuable than large hits. The first phase of the fight requires a limited field presence, as Krunker deals huge damage to anything in its line of fire. Expendable Clunkers and Shades are extremely valuable for taking up space if Krunker targets the front of both rows, and they can take attacks from the other enemies in the meantime. Krunker attacks very quickly, however, so Snow.png Snow is valuable for slowing it down and buying time to find expendable cards. In the second phase, Krunker loses its Clunker status and has Health.png health instead of Scrap.png Scrap, loses most of its Attack.png attack, and targets zones on both fields. However, it attacks even faster and gains Resist Snow.png Resist Snow. This phase can quickly pick off anything that took too much damage in phase 1, but it can be over surprisingly quickly if Krunker hits itself or triggers Spike Walls' Smackback on itself.

Krunker's Backline ability means that it always stays in the back of the row and won't move forward even if zones in front of it are empty. It also prevents Yank from pulling it forward, so cards with Barrage can take out other enemies while still hitting Krunker.
