Shade Wisp

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Shade Wisp
Shade Wisp (EnemyCloner).png
Health.png Health Attack.png Attack Counter.png Counter

Other Stats

Card Description
Summon a copy of an enemy on your
side with 1 Health.png Health

Shade Wisp is an item players may accumulate over a run. This card is exclusive to the Shademancers Tribe.


Most (but not all) of the targeted enemy's characteristics are copied: the copy keeps all abilities, buffs and debuffs, max Counter, Frenzy, and attack. However, its Counter always starts at the maximum amount and not at the enemy's current Counter (e.g. if copying a Snowbo whose Counter is at 1, the copy's Counter will be at 2). The copy's max health also becomes 1.

Since the summoned copy only has 1 health, it will immediately die once it attacks or triggers unless its max health is increased. Picking an enemy to maximize the value of the Shade Wisp is somewhat difficult, as the copy must count down its Counter all the way (and using the Sunburst Tootoo will kill it) and it will only get a single attack. Try to copy enemies that have Spice, Shell, Block, or Teeth to get more mileage out of the summon, although simply using it for a body to block an attack is still perfectly viable.

Attaching the Lamb Charm to the Shade Wisp gives it Faith 2, giving the copy slightly more attack and crucially allowing it to attack 3 times before disappearing instead of just once.
