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Egg (Egg).png
Health.png Health Attack.png Attack Counter.png Counter
8 0
Other Stats

Card Description
When destroyed, summon Dregg

Egg is a Companion that the player can bring along on a run. It is exclusive to the Shademancers Tribe.


Egg is a truly unique Companion that has no Attack.png attack or Counter.png Counter, just Health.png health. There is no way to buff Egg that allows it to attack. It instead has the dual purpose of tanking hits and summoning Dregg.png Dregg when destroyed. Dregg is a powerful Shade in its own right, but Egg's high health still makes it a useful defense. The key to maximizing Egg's potential is summoning Dregg at the proper time, pivoting from defense to offense.

Egg's complete lack of stats outside of health means that it is particularly good at taking hits that would inflict debuffs like Snow.png Snow, Frost.png Frost, or Haze.png Haze since they will have no effect on it. It also makes most Charms useless for it, although the Lamb Charm.pngLamb Charm is especially powerful for Egg and makes Dregg a force to be reckoned with.

Since Egg will likely be regularly destroyed, having the Bell of Death active will cause it to spend a lot of time injured. If it is enabled, expect Egg to start most battles at half health.


Egg is the only Companion to have no stats besides health and one of only two cards with only health, the other being the enemy Naked Gnome.png Naked Gnome.
