Shroom Gobbler

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Revision as of 21:07, 20 April 2024 by Fernicus (talk | contribs)
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Shroom Gobbler
Shroom Gobbler Card.png
Health.png Health Attack.png Attack Counter.png Counter
12 2 5
Other Stats

Card Description
Whenever anything takes damage from Shroom.png Shroom, gain +1 Attack.png Attack
Card Art
Shroom Gobbler.png

Shroom Gobbler is an enemy which the player can encounter during a run. It appears in the fights with The Noxious Shrooms and Truffle.


Shroom Gobblers use their allies' Shroom.png Shroom to their advantage and gain Attack.png attack from it, on top of the damage that the Shroom dealt. To effectively combat them, focus on either the Shroom-inflicting enemies or the Shroom Gobblers, as taking out either part of the equation makes the fight much easier. Usually, Shroom Gobblers will be easier to neutralize since only one or two of them appears per fight, so some Snow.png Snow can put them out of the fight. Expendable Clunkers or Shades can also buy some time if their attack does grow too high.


Shroom Gobblers and Snow Gobblers may share some connection, but anything beyond their love for gobbling a specific debuff is unclear.
