
Revision as of 23:09, 29 April 2024 by Fernicus (talk | contribs)
Jumbo (Klutz).png
Health.png Health Attack.png Attack Counter.png Counter
13 1 3
Other Stats

Card Description
Also hits ally behind

Jumbo is a Companion that the player can bring along on a run.


Jumbo has very weak   attack but also a low   Counter and Barrage. This lets them fit into several deck archetypes, depending on the cards and Charms available. They can be placed ahead of Companions like   Fungun,   Shen, and   Biji to hit them for 1 damage and increase their effects, they scale very well with   Spice and attack boosts to dish out real damage to enemies, and they're a prime candidate for Charms that inflict debuffs. With attack buffs, they can even act as an outlet for automatically sacrificing Shades to activate effects like   Chikichi and   Groff. Jumbo also has a large amount of   health, allowing them to take hits on the front line, but be aware of the card behind them. When Jumbo isn't on the front line, place them at the back of the row or alone in the row so that there is nothing behind them to hit.
