Lumin Lantern

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Lumin Lantern
Lumin Lantern (LuminShard).png
Health.png Health Attack.png Attack Counter.png Counter

Other Stats

Card Description
Boost a random ally's effects by 1
Boost a random enemy's effects by 2

Lumin Lantern is an item players may accumulate over a run. This card is exclusive to the Clunkmasters Tribe.


The random nature of the Lumin Lantern and the fact that it boosts enemies more than allies makes it a very high-risk card, but also highly rewarding with careful planning. Try to play it when there are as few allies with boostable effects as possible, to increase the chance that it will choose the intended ally (Crowns can help guarantee the right card is boosted). Likewise, be aware of the potential outcome for each enemy that could be boosted, and have Snow.png Snow or Ink.png Ink on hand to neutralize the boosted enemy if it turns out to be problematic.

Allies with effects that are balanced around having low values are the best cards to boost with the Lumin Lantern. For instance, Mini Mika will gain twice as much Frenzy.png Frenzy, Nom & Stompy will count themselves down twice as fast, and Kreggo will gain twice as much Attack.png attack.

Numerical effects that can be modified are written in orange. For instance, Biji has "Apply 3 Bom.png Bom" and "Increase by 1 when hit." Since only the first effect has an orange number, the Lumin Lantern will only boost the base amount of Bom inflicted, not the amount of Bom gained when hit.


Other Languages

Language Official Name Translation Description
English Lumin Lantern Boost a random ally's effects by 1
Boost a random enemy's effects by 2
Míngguāng Dēnglóng
Mingguang Lantern 随机使一名友军的效果增加1
Guānghuī Dēnglóng
Radiant Lantern 使一名隨機隊友的效果增加1
Korean 빛나는 등불
Bitnaneun Deungbul
Shining Lantern 무작위의 아군에게 걸린 효과를 1 증가
무작위의 적에게 걸린 효과를 2 증가
Japanese ルーミンのランタン
Rūmin no Rantan
Lumin Lantern ランダムな味方1体のエフェクトを1増やす