
Revision as of 02:20, 1 May 2024 by Fernicus (talk | contribs)
Groff (Boggler).png
Health.png Health Attack.png Attack Counter.png Counter
6 5
Other Stats
Card Description
Trigger when an ally is Sacrificed
Card Art

Groff is a Companion that the player can bring along on a run. They are exclusive to the Shademancers Tribe.


Unlike most cards, Groff has no   Counter, so they will never attack as turns pass. Instead, they have a   Reaction that triggers any time the player sacrifices a card, dealing a whopping 10 total damage. Since they have   Frenzy, they scale even better with   attack boosts and are less likely to overkill a weak enemy. However, the player must have a deck of Shades or sacrificial Companions like   Egg or   Chikichi, as well as cards that can regularly sacrifice them, such as   Monch or any of the Skull Items (   Tiger Skull,   Yeti Skull,   Azul Skull). In a deck that cannot consistently make sacrifices, Groff is simply a meat shield with a middling 5   health and is easily outclassed.

The   Skullmist Tea can give Groff a good attack boost if the right card is sacrificed, and it will immediately trigger their Reaction to use the newfound attack power.


Groff is the only Companion with a Reaction, and one of only two Companions with no Counter (the other being Egg).
