Gunk Fruit

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Gunk Fruit
Gunk Fruit (Deadweight).png
Health.png Health Attack.png Attack Counter.png Counter

Other Stats

Card Description
Card Art
Gunk Fruit.png

Gunk Fruit is an item players may accumulate over a run while the Gunk Bell is active. After each boss battle, the player is forced to add one Gunk Fruit to their deck.


Even though Gunk Fruit is intended to be a useless card, it is still "stronger" than the starting Items of Scrappy Sword, Tar Blade, and Gearhammer. This is because it has Consume, so once it is played it will never be drawn again in that battle. In the endgame, all these cards will deal pitiful damage, but the Gunk Fruit at least removes itself from the deck once played, and it can still kill weak enemies or break down Clunkers and Block stacks. In almost all cases, when visiting the Muncher to dispose of unwanted cards, it is still better to keep Gunk Fruit over Scrappy Swords, Tar Blades, or Gearhammers.


Other Languages

Language Official Name Translation Description
English Gunk Fruit Consume
Nián Nián Shuǐguǒ
Sticky Fruit 消耗
Nián Nián Shuǐguǒ
Sticky Fruit 消耗
Korean 끈적이 열매
Kkeunjeogi Yeolmae
Sticky Fruit 일회용
Japanese ガンクの実
Ganku no Mi
Gunk Fruit イッカイ