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Revision as of 02:24, 19 April 2024 by Fernicus (talk | contribs)
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Gobling Card.png
Health.png Health Attack.png Attack Counter.png Counter
6 4
Other Stats

Card Description
Escape from the battle
Drop 4 when hit

Gobling is an enemy which the player can encounter during most fights in the game.


Goblings drop Bling.png Blings when hit, serving as an extra source of money besides the regular amount earned from enemy drops and combos. Since their Health.png health is very low, low-damage hits are the best for farming Blings, especially if it also Snow.png Snows them (e.g. Snow Stick, Blizzard Bottle, Snowzooka). However, the player must balance their greed with actually winning the battle, so don't allow earning money to take precedence over handling threats.

Indirect sources of damage like Shroom.png Shroom and Overburn.png Overburn do not count as hits and thus will not cause Goblings to drop anything. Goblings also do not drop Blings upon death or when fleeing (but they do drop Blings in response to the hit that kills them).
