Queen Globerry

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Queen Globerry
Queen Globerry (Turnip).png
Health.png Health Attack.png Attack Counter.png Counter
15 0 5
Other Stats
Card Description
Deal additional damage equal to Health.png Health

Queen Globerry is a Miniboss type enemy that the player can encounter in the fight against The Globerries.

As of v1.1.0, activating the Titan Bell will cause an upgraded version of her to spawn. Her upgrade is randomly selected from the list:


The noble Queen Globerry deals a whopping 15 damage per hit if ignored, but she has a very long Counter.png Counter. This gives time to get rid of more pressing threats like Earth Berries. Once she does get to attack, however, she can take out almost any Companion in a single hit, so put a Clunker or Shade in the way of her attack. After Queen Globbery has attacked, it's fairly simple to weaken or defeat her before she attacks again.
