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Gobbler (Gobbler).png
Health.png Health Attack.png Attack Counter.png Counter
7 1 3
Other Stats

Card Description
When an ally is killed, gain their Attack.png Attack
Card Art

Gobbler is an enemy which the player can encounter during a run. It appears during boss battles when Gobbler Bell is active.


Gobblers are high-priority targets that punish the player for focusing on other enemies first. However, they don't appear until the second wave of each boss fight, so there may be weakened enemies left over from the first wave that they can gain Attack.png attack from. Gobblers have enough Health.png health to shrug off several hits from Items, but they're weak enough that Items in combination with Barrage attacks can bring them down efficiently. Otherwise, use Snow.png Snow to stop Gobblers in their tracks or Ink.png Ink to keep them from gaining attack (although they will keep any attack they gained before being Inked).
