Lil Berry

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Revision as of 23:01, 6 May 2024 by Fernicus (talk | contribs)
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Lil' Berry
Lil Berry (LilBerry).png
Health.png Health Attack.png Attack Counter.png Counter
8 2 4
Other Stats

Card Description
When healed, gain +2 Attack.png Attack

Lil' Berry is a Companion that the player can bring along on a run. They are exclusive to the Snowdwellers Tribe.


Lil' Berry can be thought of as a healing-oriented counterpart to Yuki.png Yuki, as they both start out small but can scale to terrifying power. With enough healing support, Lil' Berry can become a powerhouse capable of winning battles almost single-handedly. They can gain a good amount of Attack.png attack even with just a couple berry cards, and they have enough Health.png health to fit into a frontline role even with less-than-optimal healing.

The Heartmist Station.png Heartmist Station forms an extremely potent combo with Lil' Berry, making both their strong points stronger: their longevity gets a significant boost due to the Heartmist Station's healing, and every hit they take will boost their attack.


Like Yuki, Lil' Berry's card artwork grows progressively larger as their attack increases up to 20.
