Gunk Gobbler

Revision as of 03:31, 4 June 2024 by Hopeless (talk | contribs)
Gunk Gobbler
Gunk Gobbler (SBelly).png
Health.png Health Attack.png Attack Counter.png Counter
7 0 3
Other Stats

Card Description
When a card is destroyed, gain +2 Attack.png Attack

Gunk Gobbler is an enemy which the player can encounter during a run. It appears in the fight with The Gunk Bugs.


Gunk Gobblers gain   attack whenever a card is destroyed, whether on the field or in hand, meaning that they will inevitably power up the longer they stay on the field. However, they are very weak initially, with 0 base attack and the lowest   health of all enemies in the battle. Depending on the deck, the   Frenzy gained by   Blaze Beetles may be more threatening than the large attack gain of Gunk Gobblers, so prioritize whichever one is more dangerous to the deck.


Gunk Gobblers may share a connection with   Snow Gobblers and   Shroom Gobblers, but anything specific beyond their love of gobbling is unknown.


Other Languages

Language Official Name Description
English Gunk Gobbler When a card is destroyed, gain +2   Attack
黏吞吞 当有卡牌被摧毁时,获得+2   攻击
黏吞吞 當有卡牌被摧毀時,獲得+2   攻擊
Korean 그렁크 먹보 카드 한 장이 파괴되면, +2   공격 획득
Japanese グランクゴブラー カードが壊れると+2   アタックを得る