Earth Berry

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Revision as of 14:43, 9 May 2024 by Hopeless (talk | contribs)
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Earth Berry
Earth Berry Card.png
Health.png Health Attack.png Attack Counter.png Counter
6 0 3
Other Stats

Card Description
Deal damage equal to Health.png Health

Earth Berry is an enemy which the player can encounter during a run. It appears in the fight with The Globerries.


Earth Berries attack quickly and can deal up to 6 damage if they haven't been hurt, which is very dangerous in the early stages of a run. There may not be enough time to mount a proper offensive before the first Earth Berry in the fight can attack, so do as much damage as possible with Items to make tanking its attack easier. Snow.png Snow and Ink.png Ink can neutralize them to buy more time for finding Companions to hurt them as well.


Other Languages

Language Official Name Translation Description
English Earth Berry Deal additional damage equal to Health.png Health
Ground Berry 造成等同于Health.png 生命值的额外伤害
Ground Berry 造成等同於Health.png 血量的額外傷害
Korean 땅열매
Ground Fruit Health.png 체력 수치 만큼 추가 피해를 입힘
Japanese アースベリー
Earth Berry Health.png 体力の数と同じだけ追加ダメージを与える