Tar Blade

Revision as of 23:35, 5 June 2024 by Hopeless (talk | contribs)
Tar Blade
Tar Blade (Dart).png
Attack.png Attack
Other Stats

Card Description
Deal additional damage equal to Tar Blades in hand
Card Art
Tar Blade.png

Tar Blade is an item players may accumulate over a run. It is a starting card in every Shademancer deck.


The Tar Blade has great damage potential early in a run, but the damage it deals is inconsistent and it requires drawing many Tar Blades (instead of drawing potentially more useful cards). Like Scrappy Swords and Gearhammer, Tar Blades are not very useful in the endgame, but unlike them, the Tar Blade actively scales with the quantity of cards in the player's deck. Adding new cards or removing Tar Blades with the Muncher or Consuming them makes every remaining Tar Blade weaker on average, as fewer Tar Blades are likely to be drawn in a single hand. Make sure to have something that can make up the damage.

A Tar Blade card counts itself when calculating how much damage to deal. For instance, if there is only one Tar Blade in hand, it will deal 1 damage when played.


Other Languages

Language Official Name Translation Description
English Tar Blade Deal additional damage equal to Tar Blades in hand
Jiāoyóu Jiàn
Tar Sword 造成等同于手牌中焦油剑数量的额外伤害
Jiāoyóu Jiàn
Tar Sword 造成等同於手牌中焦油劍數量的額外傷害
Korean 타르 칼
Tareu Kal
Tar Knife 패에 있는 타르 칼만큼의 추가 피해를 입힘
Japanese タールの剣
Tāru no Tsurugi
Tar Blade 手持ちのタールの剣の数と同じだけ追加ダメージを与える