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Keywords are special ability words that condense long effects into a concise form. This simplifies card descriptions and makes it easier to tell when multiple cards share the same ability. All keywords are highlighted in orange text in a card's description, and their condensed abilities are fully expanded when examining the card.

Some keywords additionally have a numerical component, such as the Bombskull Charm.pngBombskull Charm granting Explode 8. This page will indicate numerical keywords using an arbitrary X.

Due to how Items are played from the hand while Companions, Clunkers, and enemies stay on the field, keywords may behave slightly differently for them.

Targeting-Related Keywords

Normally, Companions, Clunkers, and enemies will hit the front enemy in the opposing row when attacking, and Items are played on a specific target. These keywords modify a card's targeting.

Name Field Items Cards with Keyword Sources of Keyword
Aimless When the card attacks, it hits a random enemy in the opposing row, instead of the front one. The Item targets a random target in the selected row on the selected side of the field. Loki, Wort, Junjun, Foggy Brew, Slapcrackers, Shrootles, Snowbo, Frost Lancer Smog, Magma Booster, Gnome Charm.pngGnome Charm, Fish Charm.pngFish Charm
Barrage When the card attacks, it hits all enemies in the opposing row simultaneously, instead of just the front one. The Item hits/affects an entire selected row on the selected side of the field, not just one card. Bombom, Jumbo, Vesta, Fallow, Berry Bell, Bom Barrel, Frost Bell, Molten Dip, Shellbo, Spore Pack, Sunlight Drum, Supersnower, Bigfoot, Bulbhead, Porkypine, Pygmy, Bigloo, Bumbo, Frost Bomber Pom, Gachapomper, Pomegranate Charm.pngPomegranate Charm
Longshot When the card attacks, it hits the furthest enemy in the opposing row, instead of the front one. No Items can have or gain Longshot. Snowbirb None

General Interactions

  • Aimless, Barrage, and Longshot are all mutually exclusive. If a card or effect would try to add one of these keywords to a card that already has one of the others, the most recently gained keyword takes priority. For instance, the Gachapomper allows allies with Aimless to overwrite Aimless with Barrage.
  • A Charm cannot be attached to a card with one of these keywords if it would try to add one of the others. For instance, the Gnome Charm.pngGnome Charm cannot be attached to any card with Barrage.
  • Reaction.png Reactions that would trigger a card with Aimless or Barrage against a specific target will slightly change, since these cards cannot trigger against a single card. For instance, a card with Smackback and Aimless will not trigger against its attacker, but instead a random enemy in its attacker's row.
    • This interaction also allows cards with these Reactions to use excess Frenzy.png Frenzy against new targets. Normally, a card with such a Reaction will stop its Frenzy attacks if its target is killed partway through. Since a card with one of these abilities no longer triggers specifically against one card, it can keep attacking with all its Frenzy.
    • Uniquely, Longshot interacts properly with targeted Reactions. For instance, a card with Longshot and Smackback still triggers appropriately against its attacker. However, it can still use its excess Frenzy even if the attacker is killed.
  • Certain Items have targeting or effects that prevent them from gaining Aimless or Barrage. These include all Items that summon Shades, target a random card(s) on one or both fields, or can only be played on cards in hand.
    • A card that hits all enemies, such as B.I.N.K, cannot gain Barrage but can gain Aimless. In this case, the card will behave as any other Aimless card does; a field card will hit a random card in the opposing row, and an Item will hit a random target in the selected row.
  • An Item with Barrage or Aimless cannot be played on cards in hand. For instance, an unmodified Pinkberry Juice can be played on a Companion on the field or in hand, but if that Pinkberry Juice is equipped with the Gnome Charm.pngGnome Charm, it can only be played on Companions on the field.

Aimless Interactions

  • An Item with Aimless will only randomly choose between valid targets. For instance, if trying to use a Pinkberry Juice with the Fish Charm.pngFish Charm attached (thus giving it Aimless), it will not attempt to give Health.png health to any Clunkers in the selected row.

Barrage Interactions

  • A field card with Barrage may take damage from multiple cards' Teeth.png Teeth at once. This counts as a single instance of damage for the purposes of Block.png Block, Scrap.png Scrap, Demonize.png Demonize, and Bom.png Bom, not multiple simultaneous instances of damage.
  • If a Barrage attack triggers multiple Reaction.png Reactions in the row (such as Smackback), the Reactions will trigger from back to front.

Damaging and Attack-Related Keywords

These keywords deal damage or modify a card's Attack.png attack in some way.

Name Field Items Cards with Keyword Sources of Keyword
Explode X When the card is destroyed, it simultaneously deals X damage to all cards in the opposing row. No Items can have or gain Explode. None Bombskull Charm.pngBombskull Charm
Faith X When the card's effect summons a Shade, that Shade immediately gains X Attack.png attack and Health.png health. None Lamb Charm.pngLamb Charm
Fury X While the card has no other allied cards in its row, its Attack.png attack is increased by X. No Items can have or gain Fury. None Frog Charm.pngFrog Charm
Greed When the card attacks, it deals 1 extra damage per 50 Bling.png Blings the player has. When the Item hits a card on the field, it deals 1 extra damage per 50 Bling.png Blings the player has. None Greed Charm.pngGreed Charm
Soulbound When a card with Soulbound is sacrificed, all other cards with Soulbound simultaneously take 100 damage. No Items can have or gain Soulbound. None Soulbound Skulls


  • Greed does not increase the card's Attack.png attack continuously, only when the card is attacking or hitting something. This is important for effects that care about a card's current attack, such as Tinkerson Jr. and Forging Stove.
  • Humorously, Greed works for both allied and enemy cards. If an enemy has the Greed Charm (only possible in the Eye of the Storm), that enemy will use the player's own Blings against them.
  • On a technical level, the source of damage from Soulbound is actually the Soulbound cards themselves. When Soulbound's effect activates, all Soulbound cards deal 100 damage to themselves. However, a card is only sacrificed if killed by another allied card, so this does not activate any further on-sacrifice effects (such as Chikichi and Groff).

Restriction Keywords

Some keywords create restrictions on a card that prevent certain actions from being taken.

Name Field Items Cards with Keyword Sources of Keyword
Consume No field cards can have or gain Consume. After the Item is played and resolved, it is destroyed and can't be used again in that battle. Blank Mask, Blaze Tea, Dragon Pepper, Foggy Brew, Frostbite Shard, Gigi's Cookie Box, Leech Mask, Molten Dip, Noomlin Biscuit, Nutshell Cake, Pom Mask, Shade Clay, Sheepopper Mask, Skullmist Tea, Snowcake, Suncream, Tigris Mask, Gunk Fruit Cake Charm.pngCake Charm, Frenzy Charm.pngFrenzy Charm, Molten Egg Charm.pngMolten Egg Charm, Bread Charm.pngBread Charm
Hogheaded The card cannot be recalled from the field to the discard pile. No Items can have or gain Hogheaded. Spike Numskull, Hog Charm.pngHog Charm
Recycle X No field cards can have or gain Recycle. The Item can't be played unless the player's hand contains at least X Junk. When the card is played, it destroys that many Junk cards in hand from right to left. Frenzy Wrench, Gigi's Gizmo, Haze Keg, Suncream, Sunsong Box, Supersnower Recycle Charm.pngRecycle Charm
Summoned The card cannot be recalled from the field to the discard pile. At the end of each turn, if the card triggered that turn, it loses 1 Health.png health. No Items can have or gain Summoned. All Shades Blank Mask, Shade Wisp


  • Junk is destroyed by Recycle before the card hits or applies to its target(s).
  • If a Recycle card has Frenzy.png Frenzy, the Recycle cost is still only paid once when playing the card. The extra plays from Frenzy will resolve without requiring or destroying any more Junk.
  • A Summoned card loses 1 current Health.png health at the end of each turn it triggers, not maximum health.
  • If a Summoned card has Frenzy, it still only loses 1 health at the end of each turn it triggers, regardless of how many times it triggered that turn.
  • Even if a Summoned card triggers without a target to attack or apply effects to, it still loses health at the end of that turn.

Miscellaneous Keywords

These keywords have various effects.

Name Field Items Cards with Keyword Sources of Keyword
Cleanse Removes all debuffs from the target(s). Bonnie, Berry Basket None
Critical No field cards can have or gain Critical. If the Item is the rightmost card in hand, its numerical effects are doubled. Clockwork Bom, Snowzooka Critical Charm.pngCritical Charm
Draw X The player draws X cards. Sneezle Gigi's Gizmo, Gear Charm.pngGear Charm, Pinch Charm.pngPinch Charm
Noomlin The card does not end the player's turn when played. Grabber, Mini Muncher Noomlin Biscuit, Noomlin Charm.pngNoomlin Charm
Smackback A Reaction.png Reaction that causes the card to trigger against cards on the field that hit it. No Items can have or gain Smackback. Gogong, Warthog, Spike Wall Punchfist Charm.pngPunchfist Charm
Spark The card triggers immediately when deployed. No Items can have or gain Spark. None Spark Charm.pngSpark Charm
Trash X Creates X Junk to the left of the player's hand. Folby, Scaven, Bom Barrel, Proto-Stomper, Junkhead Gear Charm.pngGear Charm, Trash Charm.pngTrash Charm
Yank Pulls the targeted card to the front of its row. Grabber Hook Charm.pngHook Charm


  • Critical can modify most, but not all, numerical effects. Effects that can be modified are written in orange, while numbers not written in orange can't be modified. For instance, the Storm Globe has "Apply 4 Snow.png Snow" and "Reduce by 1 when played," but Critical will only increase the inflicted Snow, not the base amount lost.
    • However, Critical also applies last after other value-modifying effects, so an effect that gains or loses value will effectively gain or lose twice as much value. For instance, a Critical Storm Globe will inflict 8 Snow when played (4 base Snow, then increased to 8), and then loses 1 Snow (3 base Snow, then increased to 6).
  • Critical does not multiply together with Lumin.png Lumin to quadruple the card's effects. Instead, each increases the card's base effects by 100%, so they will triple the card's effects.
  • If a Draw ability would make the player draw more cards than are remaining in the deck, they will draw as many cards as possible, shuffle their discard pile, and draw the remainder.
  • Spark causes the deployed card to trigger before the natural turn countdown. For instance, if Foxee has Spark and is deployed, they will immediately attack and then count down during the turn countdown. If the Spark card has a maximum Counter.png Counter of 1, it will attack again in the same turn it was deployed due to the turn countdown.
  • Bosses that take up 2 zones cannot be Yanked if they would displace more than 1 other card at a time. Other enemies in the battle also cannot be Yanked if they would displace enemies such that the boss would take up 2 non-adjacent zones.
  • A card with both Yank and Barrage will reverse the order of cards in the row (the furthest back will move to the front, and the most forward will be pushed to the back).
    • Notably, a card that has Barrage cannot gain Yank from the Hook Charm.pngHook Charm, but a card with Yank can still gain Barrage from Pom, the Gachapomper, or the Pomegranate Charm.pngPomegranate Charm.
    • Reaction.png Reactions that are triggered in response to a hit, such as Smackback, are triggered from back to front when simultaneously triggered by Barrage. However, if that row is Yanked in this way, the Reaction order is set before the cards are moved from being Yanked, resulting in them appearing to trigger from front to back.
      • The order for the Reactions to simultaneously trigger also does not update between Frenzy.png Frenzy attacks. If the card with Yank and Barrage has Frenzy, the order of Reactions will reverse with each attack (the first set of Reactions will trigger front to back, the next will trigger back to front, and so on).

Enemy-Specific Keywords

Certain keywords are only found on enemy cards. These are usually specific to certain fights.

Name Description Enemies
Absorb Gain an ally's Attack.png attack, Health.png health, abilities, and status effects. Woolly Drek
Backline The card always deploys to the back of the row. Krunker
Bombard While the card is active, zones on the field are outlined in red. When the card attacks, it hits all the outlined zones, instead of the front one. Krunker
Frontline The card always deploys to the front of the row, pushing back other cards in the row if needed. Spike Wall
Split The card divides into two copies of itself that have half as much Health.png health and status effects, rounded up. Truffle
Unmovable The card cannot be moved around on the field, but can still be recalled. It also moves to another zone if a card is deployed or summoned to the zone it occupies. Frost Jailer
Wild The card gains 1 Frenzy.png Frenzy whenever another card with Wild is destroyed. Hog, Warthog, Razor


  • Although Monch uses the word "absorb," they do not have the Absorb keyword and will not gain eaten cards' abilities or statuses.
  • A card with Backline will never move forward, even if zones are empty in front of it. It also cannot be Yanked. If the card becomes Ink.png Inked and loses Backline, it will move normally, but it will return to the back of the row once the Ink wears off.
    • A card with Frontline will not prevent other cards in its row from being Yanked to the front of the row, however.
  • Cards with Wild will gain Frenzy.png Frenzy whenever another card on the field with Wild is destroyed, even if that card was on the opposite field.
  • An Inked card with Wild will not grant Frenzy to other Wild cards when destroyed. Likewise, destroying other Wild cards will not cause the Inked Wild card to gain Frenzy.

Special Keywords

These keywords reflect a card's current status, rather than giving it abilities.

Name Description Causes
Injured An injured Companion starts battles at half of their max Health.png health and Attack.png attack, rounded up. They will heal completely after surviving a battle (whether they are played or not). If they are destroyed again, they will simply remain injured. Bell of Death, Injured Companion Map event

Hidden Keywords

These keywords are used as conditions to activate or apply certain effects.

Name Description
Active A card is active while it is on the field.
Ally A card's allies are other cards on its side of the field.
Apply A card applies debuffs as it triggers or is played.
Healed A card is healed when its Health.png health is restored, or when its maximum health is increased.
Hit A card is hit when it is attacked by another card on the field with an Attack.png attack stat or when hit by an Item with an attack stat.
Sacrifice A card is sacrificed if a card on its side of the field kills it (or the player's Item kills an allied card). Sacrificed cards display a skull icon when destroyed.


  • Any effect while a card is active will stop immediately when that card leaves the field.
  • Debuffs that are applied on hit, such as Snoof's Snow.png Snow, are applied immediately after damage calculation. An attack that inflicts Demonize.png Demonize or Bom.png Bom will not boost that attack, only subsequent attacks.
    • Wallop is a special case, as their effect also checks if their attack will inflict Snow (possible with the Snowball Charm.pngSnowball Charm). In this case, Wallop always deals extra damage, even though damage calculation happens before the Snow is inflicted.
  • A card that interacts with its allies will not apply to itself. However, because Items are played from the hand, Items that interact with allies (such as Peppering) will apply to all possible cards on the player's field.
  • Any card with an Attack.png attack stat is considered to hit its target(s), even if no damage is dealt. Any card without an attack stat does not hit its target(s).
    • Companions and Clunkers with a Counter.png Counter but no attack stat can gain an attack of 0 if equipped with a Charm that applies a debuff on it, or if equipped with the Hook Charm.pngHook Charm. This does not cause any changes to their abilities' targeting. For instance, if Pyra gains an attack stat, they will still apply Spice.png Spice to the ally ahead of them after attacking. They will not apply Spice to whatever is hit by their attack, nor will they attack the ally ahead.
  • A card is considered sacrificed if an allied card is credited for killing it. Indirect sources of damage like Shroom.png Shroom and Overburn.png Overburn will also give credit, as long as the debuff was most recently inflicted by an allied card.
    • This also means that a card cannot sacrifice itself; an allied card must be what kills it. If a card kills or destroys itself (e.g. I.C.G.M., Moko Totem) or causes its own Health.png health or Scrap.png Scrap to become 0 or less (e.g. Bombom, Mega Mimik, Plinker), it is not sacrificed.