Pomegranate Charm

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Pomegranate Charm
Pomegranate Charm.png
Charm Description
Gain Barrage and reduce Attack.png Attack by 2

Pomegranate Charm is a Charm that the player can collect on a run.


Unlocked by default.


The Pomegranate Charm is best for two types of cards: those that deal high damage (or can gain Attack.png attack through Spice.png Spice, Items, or abilities), or those that apply debuffs. The attack loss is a small price to pay for the benefit of hitting a whole row at once.


Note that the Pomegranate Charm can only be applied to cards that have 2 or more base attack. High-scaling cards with poor base attack, such as Yuki.png Yuki and Chompom.png Chompom, cannot take advantage unless another Charm is boosting their base attack. The Beetle Charm.pngBeetle Charm is particularly noteworthy, as it gives 1 extra attack without using a Charm slot. For Items, the Sun Bell of Strength increases the attack of all Items by 2 (if they have an attack stat), making them all eligible for the Pomegranate Charm as well.

While the Pomegranate Charm is generally best for enhancing offensive cards, it's possible to upgrade supportive Items with it, such as the Pinkberry Juice.png Pinkberry Juice, Dragon Pepper.png Dragon Pepper, or Suncream.png Suncream. If the Item in question doesn't have an attack stat, it must gain an attack of 0 from a debuff-inflicting Charm or the Hook Charm.pngHook Charm, then gain 2 attack on top of it. This is generally not a worthwhile interaction to pursue, but it can come in handy if a deck's main damage dealers already have Barrage (such as Jumbo.png Jumbo or with the Gachapomper.png Gachapomper).

The "hits all enemies" ability that Nova.png Nova and B.I.N.K.png B.I.N.K use is overwritten by Barrage, making the Pomegranate Charm completely detrimental for these cards.


Other Languages

Language Official Name Translation Description
English Pomegranate Charm Gain Barrage and reduce Attack.png Attack by 2
Shíliu Guàshì
Pomegranate Ornaments 获得 扫射并将Attack.png 攻击降低2
Shíliu Guàshì
Pomegranate Ornaments 獲得 掃射並使Attack.png 攻擊降低2
Korean 석류 부적
Seokryu Bujeok
Pomegranate Amulet 광역 효과 추가 및 Attack.png 공격 2 감소
Japanese ザクロのお守り
Zakuro no Omamori
Pomegranate Amulet イチレツを得てAttack.png アタック2減らす