Charm Merchant

The Charm Merchant is a Map event. It is a shop for spending Bling.png Blings to purchase Charms, and an upgraded card.

The Charm Merchant


  • 3 Charms, costing on average 65 Blings.
  • 1 Item with 1-2 charms, costing its Shop value + 10-20 Blings for each charm
  • There is a 1% chance the item has 2 charms.

See below for accurate calculations of prices.

Charm Prices

Every Charm has a base price which gets added to a random number between +/-30. The table below details these base prices

Image Card Name Description Price
  Acorn Charm Gain 8   Shell 65
  Balance Charm Set   Health,   Attack and   Counter to 3 65
  Battle Charm +2   Attack 65
  Beetle Charm +1   Attack
Does not take up a charm slot
  Bite Charm Start with 3   Teeth 65
  Bling Charm Gain 5 from each kill 55
  Block Charm Start with 1   Block 65
  Bom Charm Apply 1   Bom 65
  Bombskull Charm When destroyed, deal 8 damage to enemies in the row 65
  Boonfire Charm When consumed, apply 2   Overburn to all enemies 65
  Cake Charm Boost effects by 4 and gain Consume 65
  Chuckle Charm Remove Charm limit 65
  Cloudberry Charm Restore 3   Health on kill 65
  Critical Charm Gain Critical 65
  Durian Charm +4   Attack
Remove all effects
  Fidget Charm Replace Recycle effects with Trash and vice versa 65
  Flameblade Charm Replace current   Attack with apply   Overburn 65
  Frenzy Charm Add x2   Frenzy and gain Consume 65
  Frog Charm Gain Fury 4 55
  Frosthand Charm Apply 1   Frost 55
  Frozen Heart Charm Start with 2   Block
Reduce   Health to 1
  Gear Charm Gain Trash 1 and Draw 1 45
  Gnome Charm Add x1   Frenzy and gain Aimless 65
  Goat Charm Apply 1   Demonize 65
  Greed Charm Gain Greed 65
  Heart Charm +5   Health 65
  Hog Charm Gain Hogheaded
+7   Health
  Hook Charm Gain Yank 45
  Jewelberry Charm Gain Flourish 65
  Jimbo Charm   Health,   Attack,   Counter are randomized between 2 and 5 65
  Lamb Charm Gain Faith 2 65
  Lumin Ring Boost effects by 1 65
  Mime Charm Replace effects with those of a random Companion in your deck or reserve 65
  Moko Charm Add x1   Frenzy
-1   Attack
-1   Health
  Molten Egg Charm Gain Consume
+5   Attack
  Moose Charm Increase   Counter by 1
+3   Attack
  Muncher Charm Permanently destroy the card when this is equipped 65
  Noomlin Charm Gain Noomlin 65
  Nourish Charm When hit, restore   Health by 1 65
  Pengu Charm When   Snow'd, gain equal   Attack 45
  Peppernut Charm Replace   Shell effects with   Spice and vice versa 65
  Pinch Charm Gain Draw 2 on kill 65
  Pomegranate Charm Gain Barrage and reduce   Attack by 2 65
  Punchfist Charm Gain Smackback 65
  Raspberry Charm +1   Attack
+3   Health
  Recycle Charm Gain Recycle 1
+4   Attack
  Scorchberry Charm Reduce   Health by half
Increase   Attack equal to   Health
  Scrap Charm Add 1   Scrap 55
  Shade Slug Apply the same effect as the last Charm applied to the card 65
  Shield Charm Gain 3   Shell on kill 65
  Shroom Charm Apply 1   Shroom 55
  Snowball Charm Apply 1   Snow 65
  Spark Charm Gain Spark 65
  Spice Charm Gain 2   Spice when hit 65
  Squid Charm Apply 2   Ink 65
  Strawberry Charm When consumed, add +2   Health to all allies 65
  Sun Charm Reduce   Counter by 1 65
  Sunglass Charm Reduce   Counter by half
Set   Health to 1
Gain Fragile
  Tiger Charm Gain 1   Teeth when hit 65
  Truffle Charm Apply 3   Shroom
-2   Health
  Zoomlin Charm Gain Zoomlin and Consume 65