The Demonhorn Goats

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The Demonhorn Goats Fight

The Demonhorn Goats is one of the possible fourth fights a player can run into. The fight is won when the Miniboss, Muttonhead, is defeated.


The fight with the Demonhorn Goats revolves around Demonize.png Demonize, so expect to be readily inflicted with it. Gok is a beefy enemy that Demonizes anything that hits it, allowing it to punish attackers even if it has already been defeated. If it does get to attack, Demonize brings its attack up to a whopping 10, making it difficult to tank. Jab Joats are fairly standard enemies, and because they use multiple hits with Frenzy they scale relatively poorly with Demonize. Porkypine deals low Barrage damage, but the potential to deal 4 damage to a Demonized row makes it a bit more of a threat than when it last appeared in the Tundra--particularly when alongside Pygmy, which attacks very quickly and Demonizes the entire row, making it a high-priority threat. Muttonhead is a simple enemy that punishes the player for attempting to delay it with Snow.png Snow, setting itself up for a bigger hit once it eventually thaws out.

With all this in mind, the Demonhorn Goats are a relatively straightforward fight, but the must player factor in Demonize when spreading damage across Companions. Offensive Companions that deal high damage generally already have poor health, and being Demonized sets them up to be defeated in one or two hits. Having a couple Clunkers to take big hits from Gok and waste Pygmy's attacks will save a lot of trouble. Try to avoid Snowing Muttonhead until Gok and Porkypine have been defeated to neutralize their damage. Ultimately, be prepared to either have enough damage to win the fight quickly without taking much damage, or have defensive power such as Frost.png Frost, healing, Shell.png Shell, and Block.png Block.

Bonnie.png Bonnie and Berry Basket.png Berry Basket are particularly strong in this fight, as they can Cleanse the entire team of Demonize at once.


Image Card Name Health.png Health Attack.png Attack Counter.png Counter Other Description
Gok 18 5 5 When hit, apply 1 Demonize.png Demonize to the attacker
Jab Joat.png
Jab Joat 10 1 3 x2 Frenzy.png Frenzy
Porkypine 6 2 4 Barrage
Pygmy 5 0 2 Apply 1 Demonize.png Demonize
Gobling 6 4 Escape from the battle
Drop 4 when hit
Muttonhead 30 4 3 When Snow.png Snow'd, apply 1 Demonize.png Demonize to all enemies

Enemy Waves

The encounter consists of three waves. These are all possible enemy spawns each wave. Waves that spawn with a fixed order are marked in bold.

Wave number Possible waves
Wave 1 2 Jab Joat, 1 Gok
Wave 2 1 Gok, 1 Pygmy, 1 Jab Joat, 1 Gobling
1 Gok, 1 Jab Joat, 1 Pygmy, 1 Gobling
Miniboss Wave Muttonhead, 1 Jab Joat, 1 Porkypine

Other Languages

Language Official Name
Mó jiǎo yáng qún
Mó jiǎo yáng qún
Korean 악마뿔 염소들
Akmappul Yeomsodeul
Japanese 悪魔のツノ山羊
Akuma no Tsuno Yagi