
Revision as of 11:10, 13 May 2023 by SHA2048 (talk | contribs) (fixed hongo's hammer broken link)

Item cards are those which assist the player in battle from their hand, providing effects and attacking Enemies.

These cards are directly applied to other cards on the board - they don't count down and play immediately when used from the player's hand.


Note: Item without an attack value do not hit when triggering. However, an attack value of 0 means they will hit a target.

Image Card Name   Attack Other Description
Azul Battle Axe 3 Apply   Overburn equal to damage dealt
Azul Candle 1 Double the target's   Overburn
Azul Skull 0 Kill an ally
Apply 4   Overburn to front enemy
B.I.N.K 0 Apply 3   Ink
Hits all enemies
Beepop Mask Summon Beepop
Berry Basket Restore 2   Health
Berry Bell Increase   Health by 1
Berry Blade 3 Restore   Health to front ally equal to damage dealt
Blank Mask Summon a copy of an ally
Blaze Bom 0 Add x1   Frenzy
Apply 4   Bom
Blaze Tea Add x1   Frenzy
Increase   Counter by 1
Blizzard Bottle 0 Apply 3   Snow
Bom Barrel 0 Apply 4   Bom
Hits all enemies
Trash 4
Broken Vase 0 Maybe it can be fixed...
Clockwork Bom 2 Apply 2   Bom
Demonheart 0 Apply 1   Demonize
Restore 7   Health
Dragon Pepper Apply 7   Spice
Fallow Mask Summon Fallow
Flamewater Increase   Attack by 1
Flask of Ink 0 Apply 4   Ink
Foggy Brew 0 Apply 1   Haze
Forging Stove Destroy a card in your hand
Add its   Attack to a random ally
Frenzy Wrench Add x1   Frenzy to an Item in your hand
Recycle 2
Frost Bell 0 Apply 2   Frost
Frostbite Shard Reduce the target's effects by 1
Frostbloom 0 Apply 3   Frost
Gearhammer 2 Gain +1   Attack
Gigi's Cookie Box Add 2   Scrap
Increase   Attack by 2
Trash 2
Gigi's Gizmo Add 1   Scrap
Recycle 1
Grabber 1 Noomlin
Haze Keg 0 Apply 1   Haze
Recycle 2
Hongo's Hammer 1 Apply 3   Shroom
Ice Dice x2   Frenzy Apply 1   Block to a random ally or enemy
JunJun Mask Summon JunJun
Junk 0 Does absolutely nothing...
Leech Mask Summon Leech on the enemy side
Lumin Goop Could be used to fix something...
Lumin Lantern Boost a random ally's effects by 1
Boost a random enemy's effects by 2
Magma Booster Increase   Attack by 3
Add Aimless to the target
Mini Muncher Destroy a card in your hand
Molten Dip Increase   Attack by 2
Noomlin Biscuit Add Noomlin to a card in your hand
Nutshell Cake Apply 9   Shell
Reduce   Health by 2
Peppereaper 2 Apply 3   Spice
Peppering Apply 2   Spice
Pinkberry Juice Increase   Health by 4
Pom Mask Summon Pom on the enemy side
Pombomb 5 Hits all undamaged enemies
Proto-Stomper 8 Trash 2
Scrap Pile Add 1   Scrap
Scrappy Sword 2 A traditional trusty weapon
Shade Clay 2 Make a copy of an Item in your hand
Shade Wisp Summon a copy of an enemy on your side with 1   Health
Sheepopper Mask Summon Sheepopper on the enemy side
Shell Shield Apply 4   Shell
Shellbo 2 Apply 5   Shell
Skullmist Tea 0 Kill an ally
Add their   Attack to all allies
Slapcrackers 1 x4   Frenzy Aimless
Snow Stick 1 Apply 2   Snow
Snowcake 0 Apply 12   Snow
Snowzooka 0 Apply 2   Snow
Soulbound Skulls Add Soulbound to an enemy
Add Soulbound to a random ally
Spice Stones Double the target's   Spice
Spore Pack 0 Apply 2   Shroom
Storm Globe 0 Apply 4   Snow
Reduce by 1 when played
Stormbear Spirit 8 Target must be   Snow'd
Sun Rod Count down   Counter by 2
Sunburst Tootoo 1 Count down   Counter by 2
Suncream Reduce   Counter by 1
Recycle 1
Sunlight Drum Count down   Counter by 1
Sunsong Box Increase   Attack by 1
Count down   Counter by 1
Recycle 1
Supersnower 0 Apply 4   Snow
Recycle 2
Tar Blade 0 Deal additional damage equal to Tar Blades in hand
The Lumin Vase Apply 1   Lumin
Tiger Skull 0 Kill an ally
Apply 4   Teeth to a random ally
Tigris Mask Summon Tigris
Yeti Skull 0 Kill an ally
Apply 3   Snow to enemies in the row