Mime Charm

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Mime Charm
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Charm Description
Replace effects with those of a random Companion in your deck or reserve

Mime Charm is a Charm that the player can collect on a run. This Charm is exclusive to the Shademancers Tribe.


Win a run with the Shademancers Tribe.


The Mime Charm is a very high-risk Charm, completely removing the attached card's abilities and randomly replacing them. However, with the right Companion around, it can dramatically power up the attached card. The card's stats will not change at all, only its abilities, so powerful effects can be granted to cards with much shorter Counter.png Counters, better Health.png health, or higher Attack.png attack. The possibilities are endless.

A card that has no Counter and only has a Reaction.png Reaction, such as Gojiber.png Gojiber or Zula.png Zula, will not be able to trigger if they do not gain the effects of another card with a Reaction. However, a card that does have a Counter will not lose their Counter when gaining the effects of a card with a Reaction, which can allow the card to trigger much more frequently.

Foxee.png Foxee and the Naked Gnome.png Naked Gnome have no abilities at all, so they can freely equip the Mime Charm and gain abilities without fear of losing anything. On the other hand, when attaching the Mime Charm to a Companion while Foxee or the Naked Gnome is in the deck or benched, the Mime Charm can choose to copy their effects (or rather, their lack thereof). This simply removes all abilities from the attached card.

Be aware of any Companions with negative effects, as these effects are usually balanced around those cards' base stats. For instance, Bombom.png Bombom inflicts 5 damage on themself with every attack, but a card with significantly lower base health might wind up with this effect using the Mime Charm.
