Goat Charm

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Goat Charm
Goat Charm.png
Charm Description
Apply 1 Demonize.png Demonize

Goat Charm is a Charm that the player can collect on a run.


Unlocked by default.


The Goat Charm is best given to Companions that have quick but weak attacks, rather than the slower heavy hitters. In this way, the strong attackers can be sure that their target is already Demonize.png Demonized when they attack.

A damaging hit that inflicts Demonize will consume a stack of Demonize and then immediately inflict it again. This makes the Goat Charm very useful for any card with Frenzy.png Frenzy; since each individual hit inflicts Demonize, every Frenzy attack after the first will be doubled in power.


Other Languages

Language Official Name Translation Description
English Goat Charm Apply 1 Demonize.png Demonize
Shānyáng Guàshì
Goat Pendant 施加1 Demonize.png 魔化
Shānyáng Guàshì
Goat Pendant 施加1 Demonize.png 魔化
Korean 염소 부적
Yeomso Bujeok
Goat Amulet 1 Demonize.png 저주 부여
Japanese ヤギのお守り
Yagi no Omamori
Goat Amulet 1 Demonize.png アクマツキを与える