
Revision as of 00:02, 27 May 2023 by Hopeless (talk | contribs) (tribe exclusive part iv: the iv stands for ink very (op))

Clunkers are machine-like cards similar to Companions in being able to attack, defend, and have special abilities. They are unique in using scrap instead of the standard hearts, and will only lose 1 scrap if 1 or more damage is taken. This makes them great at surviving high-damage hits that would take out a Companion or the leader, or at absorbing debuffs instead of another card.

Clunkers can be played anywhere on the board and moved around freely like any other Companion, and they can be recalled. However, a Clunker will not heal scrap when recalled. One can still apply buffs/debuffs as normal with mostly normal behavior. Exceptions include: Shrooms will only deal 1 scrap damage regardless of the number stacked, and Overburn will always trigger as health hearts and scrap are not exchangeable.

Collecting Clunkers

In Snowdwell, Clunkers are unlocked from the Inventor's Hut, after it finishes construction. Players can view unlocked Clunkers there and see what challenges are available for the next unlock.

Throughout a run, Clunkers can be collected through Treasure Chest events. They will appear in a lineup with other items and Clunkers, where the player has the option to choose 1 card to add to their deck. This choice does not affect the cards found later in the run.

Clunker Cards

Image Card Name   Scrap   Attack   Counter Other Description Tribe-exclusive?
Bitebox 1 When hit, deal equal damage to the attacker All
Bling Bank 1 When an enemy is killed, gain 4 All
Blundertank 1 5 Trigger when Junk is destroyed Clunkmasters
Bombarder 1 0 Trigger against anything that is hit with   Bom Clunkmasters
Fungo Blaster 1 When a   Shroom'd enemy dies, apply their   Shroom to a random enemy Snowdwellers
Gachapomper 1 While active, add Barrage to allies in the row Clunkmasters
Haze Balloon 1 When destroyed, apply 1   Haze to the attacker Clunkmasters
Heartforge 1 When an ally is healed, apply equal   Spice Snowdwellers
Heartmist Station 1 When an ally is hit, restore their   Health by 1 All
I.C.G.M 4 10 13 Trigger multiple times equal to   Scrap
Destroy self
Junkhead 3 Trash 1 when hit Clunkmasters
Kobonker 1 3 Trigger against anything that is hit with   Snow Snowdwellers
Krono 1 While active, add x1   Frenzy to 'd allies Snowdwellers
Mega Mimik 3 5
Trigger when an ally attacks
Lose 1   Scrap
Mimik 1 2 Trigger when an ally in the row attacks All
Mobile Campfire 1 While active, add +3   Attack to allies in the row Snowdwellers
Moko Totem 2 0 x5   Frenzy Trigger when   Spice reaches 10
Destroy self
Pepper Flag 1 While active, all allies retain   Spice Snowdwellers
Plinker 5 2 1 Lose 1   Scrap Clunkmasters
Portable Workbench 1 While active, add +3   Attack to all Junk in your hand Clunkmasters
Shroominator 3 Whenever anything is   Shroom'd, double the amount and lose 1   Scrap Snowdwellers
Shroomine 1 When hit, apply 4   Shroom to the attacker Snowdwellers
Spice Sparklers 1 While active, add +2   Attack to Items in your hand Snowdwellers
Sunglass Chime 1 When destroyed, trigger all allies Clunkmasters
Tootordion 3 4 Trigger a random ally
Lose 1   Scrap
Totem of the Goat 1 Before an enemy attacks, apply 1   Demonize to them All
Woodhead 1 Does nothing, but will take a hit for you :) Snowdwellers