The Snow Lumps

The Snow Lumps is one of the possible first fights a player can run into. The fight is won when the Miniboss, Nimbus, is defeated.

The Snow Lumps


The Snow Lumps are one of the first battles in the game but can still put up a respectable fight, due to their emphasis on   attack buffs. Lumps empower all their allies and appear continually throughout the fight, and all enemies have decently fast   Counters to make use of the buffs. Outside of them, a Gogong may appear to punish the player with Smackback, or a Wild Snoolf may appear to slow them down with   Snow. A Porkypine also shows up in the second wave, which can inflict a lot of damage with Barrage if any Lumps are around. Nimbus also has Barrage but has significantly more   health, so defeating it before it gets to attack is difficult with only the starting deck.

Above all else, defeat Lumps as quickly as possible, since they can attack quickly and buff all other enemies (including any other Lumps). Since they only have 2 health, a single   Scrappy Sword or   Gearhammer can take them out (or a hand with at least 2   Tar Blades). All enemies in the battle have 2 attack at most, so once all the Lumps are out of the way, they can't put up much of a fight.


Image Card Name   Health   Attack   Counter Other Description
Lump 2 1 3 While active, add +1   Attack to all allies
Wild Snoolf 4 1 3 Apply 2   Snow
Gogong 5 2   Reaction Smackback
Baby Snowbo 1 1 2
Naked Gnome 1 Does absolutely nothing...
Porkypine 6 2 4 Barrage
Gobling 6 4 Escape from the battle
Drop 4 when hit
Nimbus 10 2 5 Barrage

Enemy Waves

The encounter consists of three waves. These are all possible enemy spawns each wave. Waves in bold indicate fixed spawning order

Wave number Possible waves
Wave 1 1 Lump, 1 Wild Snoolf, 1 Lump
1 Gogong, 2 Lump
1 Lump, 2 Baby Snowbo
1 Gogong, 1 Lump, 1 Baby Snowbo
1 Naked Gnome, 1 Baby Snowbo, 1 Lump
Wave 2 1 Porkypine, 1 Lump, 1 Gobling
Miniboss Wave Nimbus, 1 Baby Snowbo, 2 Lump
Nimbus, 1 Lump, 1 Baby Snowbo, 1 Lump
Nimbus, 3 Lump