The Ice Krabs: Difference between revisions

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|1 [[Krawler]], 1 [[Krab]], 1 [[Burster]], 1 [[Gobling]]
|1 [[Krawler]], 1 [[Krab]], 1 [[Burster]], 1 [[Gobling]]
|rowspan = 3 |'''Wave 3'''
|rowspan = 3 |'''Miniboss Wave'''
|[[Numskull]], 1 [[Krawler]], 2 [[Burster]]
|[[Numskull]], 1 [[Krawler]], 2 [[Burster]]

Latest revision as of 02:26, 4 June 2024

The Ice Krabs Fight

The Ice Krabs is one of the possible seventh fights a player can run into. The fight is won when the Miniboss, Numskull, is defeated.


The fight against the Ice Krabs revolves around Block.png Block, so it will almost always be a lengthy battle. As a result, cards with Frenzy.png Frenzy and/or Barrage will be very effective, breaking down multiple stacks of Block at a time. However, high-damage hits are still useful for dealing with Bursters and Krawlers. Depending on the deck, Bursters can be mostly inconsequential or high-priority threats, since they inflict Haze.png Haze. Krabs attack slowly but deal heavy damage, and their innate 3 Block makes them difficult to take down quickly. Krawlers protect the Bursters and Krabs by taking hits for them and randomly giving them (or other Krawlers) extra Block, dragging the fight out even longer. Once Numskull appears, it makes all the player's cards Hogheaded, preventing them from being recalled to heal or remove Haze. As a result, Numskull requires the player to have enough defensive power to win the war of attrition, as all the enemies have dramatically increased effective health due to their Block.

The Bursters' Haze can be circumvented by having it inflicted on Companions that don't attack (e.g. Bonnie and Snoffel), having it inflicted on a Companion with low damage but high Frenzy.png Frenzy that will continue attacking after the first hit (e.g. Foxee), or by simply recalling the affected card. However, once Numskull is on the field, recalling cards becomes impossible, so recall cards in need of healing or Haze removal before it appears. Haze is particularly dangerous if the player has cards with on-hit penalties like Teeth.png Teeth or Smackback. Taking down Bursters is most efficient with cards that have Yank or Barrage; Aimless can work but is inconsistent, and Longshot is effective but rare. The Krabs attack slowly enough that there is ample time to Snow.png Snow them to slow them down (especially effective with Snow Stick, as it also removes 1 Block.png Block), and their Health.png health is low enough that they will fall in one or two hits once their Block is exhausted. Krawlers are mostly minor nuisances, but should be left alone if there are Bursters on the field that could gain Block from them. Once the time is right to take them out, defeat them in as few hits as possible. Numskull itself tries to tip the war of attrition in the Ice Krabs' favor, but if the player has survived long enough to defeat its allies, it shouldn't pose much of a threat.

Having a source of Ink.png Ink makes the battle with the Ice Krabs dramatically easier, preventing Bursters' Haze, Krawlers' Block, and Numskull's Hogheaded.


Image Card Name Health.png Health Attack.png Attack Counter.png Counter Other Description
Burster 10 1 4 Resist Snow.png Resist Snow Apply 1 Haze.png Haze
Krab 5 8 5 3 Block.png Block
Krawler 10 4 3 When hit, apply 2 Block.png Block to a random ally
Gobling 6 4 Escape from the battle
Drop 4 when hit
Numskull 30 6 4 8 Block.png Block
Resist Snow.png Resist Snow
While active, add Hogheaded to all enemies

Enemy Waves

The encounter consists of three waves. These are all possible enemy spawns each wave. Waves that spawn with a fixed order are marked in bold.

Wave number Possible waves
Wave 1 1 Krab, 2 Burster
Wave 2 1 Krawler, 1 Krab, 1 Burster, 1 Gobling
Miniboss Wave Numskull, 1 Krawler, 2 Burster
Numskull, 1 Krab, 2 Burster
Numskull, 1 Krab, 1 Krawler, 1 Burster

Other Languages

Language Official Name
Bīng xiè tuán
Bīng xiè tuán
Korean 얼음게들
Japanese コオリガニの群れ
Kōrigani no Mure