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Ink.png Ink is a debuff applied by some Clunkmaster cards. It disables all of a card's abilities. At the end of each turn, an Inked card's Ink counts down by 1.

Information and Strategy

Ink is an effect exclusive to the Clunkmasters Tribe. A card with Ink has all its ability text crossed out, effectively treating its text box as though it were blank. Although an Inked card can still gain abilities from other sources (e.g. Gachapomper.png Gachapomper and Magma Booster.png Magma Booster), these additional abilities will also be negated. The card also cannot gain any keyword ability that it already possesses, even if that ability is negated by Ink. For instance, if an Inked card has Aimless, it cannot have the Magma Booster used on it, as this would add a redundant keyword.

Ink Interactions

Although Ink negates a card's effects, it will not affect the card's stats in any way. The card's Counter.png Counter, Attack.png attack, and Frenzy.png Frenzy all stay the same, it keeps all buffs and debuffs it has, and it will not lose Resist Snow.png Resist Snow.

Like with Snow.png Snow, an Inked card's Ink will only count down if it experienced the turn countdown while it was already Inked. If it became Inked after it counted down, the Ink will not count down that turn. Since Items are played before the turn countdown, inflicting Ink with an Item will cause the card's Ink to count down at the end of that turn, but inflicting it with a Companion will not, since Companions count down after enemies.

All Reaction.png Reactions are in the form of an ability (the most common being Smackback), so Inking a card will negate any and all Reactions it has. If a card only has a Reaction and has no Counter, such as Mimik.png Mimik, it will never trigger while Inked unless triggered by an external source, such as the Sunglass Chime.png Sunglass Chime. If a card has an effect or Reaction that activates when hit, such as Gobling.png Gobling or Maw Jaw.png Maw Jaw, the card's effects will be negated before they can activate. For instance, using the Flask of Ink.png Flask of Ink on a Gobling will count as hitting it, since the Flask of Ink has an attack icon, but because it Inks the Gobling it will not drop any Bling.png Blings. Likewise, using the Flask of Ink on Maw Jaw will negate its effects before its Reaction can trigger, and it will not counterattack.

The Wild ability is shut down on both fronts by Ink. The Inked card is treated as though it did not have Wild, so it will not gain Frenzy if a Wild card is destroyed, and other Wild cards will not gain Frenzy if the Inked card is destroyed.

Ink negates Shades' Summoned ability, which allows them to be recalled to the discard pocket and redeployed like other Companions.

Cards and effects that interact with Ink

Player effects that apply Ink Player effects that interact with Ink Enemy cards that use Ink
  • None