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Revision as of 04:46, 4 May 2024 by Hopeless (talk | contribs)
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Demonize.png Demonize is a debuff applied by some cards. If a Demonized card would take at least 1 damage from anything, it instead takes twice that much damage and its Demonize counts down by 1.

Information and Strategy

Demonize doesn’t have cards that directly synergize with it, but it is generically useful and can be worked into many different strategies. It can turn small amounts of damage into big amounts of damage, and big amounts of damage into massive amounts. Try to use heavy-hitting cards to maximize the value of each stack of Demonize.

Demonize Interactions

The damage boost from Demonize is applied after damage is increased by Bom.png Bom, effectively doubling the card's Bom count while it is Demonized.

Demonize does not cause Clunkers to lose more than 1 Scrap.png Scrap per hit, because it is still only a single instance of damage. The same goes for breaking Block.png Block stacks.

Other Languages

Language Official Name
Mó huà
Mó huà
Korean 저주
Japanese アクマツキ

Cards and effects that interact with Demonize

Player effects that apply Demonize Player effects that interact with Demonize Enemy cards that use Demonize
  • None