
Shroominator (Shroominator).png
Scrap.png Scrap Attack.png Attack Counter.png Counter

Other Stats

Card Description
Whenever anything is Shroom.png Shroom'd, double the amount and lose 1 Scrap.png Scrap
Card Art

Shroominator is a Clunker that can be obtained in a run. This card is exclusive to the Snowdwellers Tribe.


The Shroominator's ability to double the   Shroom inflicted on a card can drastically increase the amount of total damage dealt, and high enough Shroom can deal lethal damage in just a few turns. For instance, doubling the 4 Shroom from the   Shroomine will deal a whopping 19 damage within 3 turns. Since the Shroom doubling comes at the cost of the Shroominator's   Scrap, it is most effective with a card like   Fungun who can apply high stacks of Shroom at once, which can easily reach devastating levels when doubled. If paired with cards like   Fulbert or   Wort who apply low quantities of Shroom multiple times, the Shroominator will quickly lose Scrap for much smaller gains.

Outside of a Shroom-focused deck, the Shroominator is notable for having a whopping 4 Scrap, the second-highest of any Clunker (behind   Plinker, who also loses Scrap every turn). This allows it to simply block multiple strong hits for the team. However, be aware that the Shroominator activates whenever the player's cards are inflicted with Shroom as well, which poses a problem in the fights with The Noxious Shrooms and Truffle.


If multiple cards are Shroomed simultaneously (such as by the   Spore Pack), the Shroominator activates for each one, doubling all affected cards' Shroom. This happens even if more cards are Shroomed than the Shroominator has Scrap; for instance, if the Spore Pack inflicts Shroom on 3 enemies while the Shroominator has 1 Scrap, it will still double the Shroom of all 3 enemies and is destroyed afterwards. This may be a bug.

If multiple Shroominators are on the field, they will all activate whenever something is Shroomed. With two Shroominators on the field, all Shroom is multiplied by 4. With three, Shroom is multiplied by 8, and so on.


Other Languages

Language Official Name Translation Description
English Shroominator Whenever anything is   Shroom'd, double the amount and lose 1   Scrap
Gūgū Zhōngjiézhě
Mushroom Terminator 有卡牌受到  毒菇时,失去1   碎片,使其数值翻倍
Gūgū Zhōngjiézhě
Mushroom Terminator 任何卡牌受到  毒菇時,失去1   碎片,使其數值翻倍
Korean 버섯종결자
Mushroom Terminator 아무나   독버섯 상태에 걸리면, 그 양을 두 배로 늘리고 1   폐목재 상실
Japanese シュルーミネイター
Shroominator 敵味方を問わず  シュルームになった時に、量を2倍にして1   スクラップを失う