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local all_cards = require("Module:Cards/data").cards
local all_cards = require("Module:Cards/data").cards
testy = nil
function p.test1(frame)
if testy == nil then
testy = frame.args[1]
return testy
function p.GetStat(frame)
function p.GetStat(frame)
local card = all_cards[ or frame.args[1]]  
local card = all_cards[ or frame.args[1]]  

Revision as of 11:55, 15 December 2023

To edit card information, see Module:Cards/data


Usage: {{#invoke:Cards|GetStat|<card>|<stat>}}

Returns the respective stat of the card.
Possible values for <stat>: name health scrap attack counter other desc summoncon tribes price gold challenge unlock


Usage: {{#invoke:Cards|Table|<entry>|<header_list>}} OR

Returns a table based on the given paramenters. <entry> is either a card name or type.
Types include: Boss Pet NonPetCompanion Companion Item Shade Clunker EnemyClunker Enemy Miniboss Boss ShopItem InventorsHut HotSpring Charm CursedCharm

Append a tribename before the type to filter cards exclusive to that tribe, eg SnowdwellersCompanion

<entry_list> is a list of valid <entry> values, input as multiple parameters, i.e. <entry1>|<entry2>|... etc..

<header_list> is a list of valid stats, input as multiple parameters, i.e. <stat1>|<stat2>|... etc..
Stats include: name health scrap attack counter other desc summoncon tribes price challenge

The first usage option is used when only 1 entry is needed, e.g. the only entry is a type category. Otherwise, use the second option.

If challenge is among the header stats, the table will be sorted based off the entry's ChallengeOrder value, if it exists.


Usage: {{#invoke:Cards|CardInfobox|<card>|<template_params>}}

Returns the infobox of the card.

<template_params> is a list of template parameters input as multiple parameters, i.e. <p1>=<data1>|<p2>=<data2>|... etc.. These parameters are the same parameters used by Template:Infobox. Parameters without inputs are autofilled with fitting module data, to the best of its ability.


Usage: {{#invoke:Cards|CharmInfobox|<charm>|<template_params>}}

Returns the infobox of the charm.

<template_params> is a list of template parameters input as multiple parameters, i.e. <p1>=<data1>|<p2>=<data2>|... etc.. These parameters are the same parameters used by Template:Infobox. Parameters without inputs are autofilled with fitting module data, to the best of its ability.


Usage: {{#invoke:Cards|Itembox|<card>|<template_params>}}

Returns the itembox of the card.

<template_params> is a list of template parameters input as multiple parameters, i.e. <p1>=<data1>|<p2>=<data2>|... etc.. These parameters are the same parameters used by Template:Itembox. Parameters without inputs are autofilled with fitting module data, to the best of its ability.


Usage: {{#invoke:Cards|NavBoxSection|<type>}}

Returns a list of links for cards of a certain type, for use in Template:NavboxCards.

suggested values for <type>: Boss Pet NonPetCompanion Item Shade Clunker EnemyClunker Enemy Miniboss Boss

local p = {}

--local KeyData = mw.loadData( 'Module:Code/data')
local all_cards = require("Module:Cards/data").cards
testy = nil	
function p.test1(frame)
	if testy == nil then
		testy = frame.args[1]
	return testy

function p.GetStat(frame)
	local card = all_cards[ or frame.args[1]] 
	if card == nil then 
		return ""
	local stat =  frame.args.stat or frame.args[2]  
	return frame:preprocess(_getStat(card, stat))

function _getStat(card, stat)
	stat = string.lower(stat)
	if stat == "name" then
		return card.Name or ""
	elseif stat == "health" then
		return card.Health or ""
	elseif stat == "scrap" then
		return card.Scrap or ""
	elseif stat == "attack" then
		return card.Attack or ""
	elseif stat == "counter" then
		return card.Counter or ""
	elseif stat == "other" then
		return card.Other or ""
	elseif stat == "description" or stat == "desc" then
		return card.Desc or ""
	elseif stat == "summoncon" then
		return card.SummonCon or ""
	elseif stat == "tribes" then
		local out = ""
		for i, tribe in ipairs(card.Tribes) do
			out = out .. "[[Tribes#" .. tribe .. "|".. tribe.."]]"
			if i < #card.Tribes then
				out = out .. ",<br>"
		return out
		error("Argument Invalid:" .. stat)

---------------------------------------- Table

function p.Table(frame)
	local headers = {}
	local i = 2
	while frame.args[i] ~= nil and i < 10 do
	  	table.insert(headers, string.lower(frame.args[i] or ""))
	  	i = i + 1
	local type = frame.args[1]
	local out = type
	for i,hdr in ipairs(headers) do
		out = out.." " ..hdr
	return frame:preprocess(_table(type, headers))

--[[function p.test()
	return _table("Boss", {"health", "counter"})

function _table(type, headers)
  local out = '{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center;"\n'
  for i, header in ipairs(headers) do
  	if header == "scrap" or header == "health" or header == "attack" or header == "counter" then
  		local statname = header:gsub("^%l", string.upper)
  		out = out .. "![[File:"..statname..".png|20px|link=Stats#Primary Stats]] "..statname.."\n"
  	elseif header == "tribes" then
  		out = out .. "!Tribe-exclusive?\n"
  	elseif header == "name" then
  		out = out .. "!Card Name\n"
  	elseif header == "desc" then
  		out = out .. "!Description\n"
  	elseif header == "summoncon" then
  		out = out .. "!Summon conditions\n"
  		out = out .. "!" .. header:gsub("^%l", string.upper) .. "\n"
  for i, card in ipairs(sortedCards()) do
    if card.Types and card.Types[type] then
		out = out.."|-\n"
		for i, header in ipairs(headers) do
			out = out.."|"
			if header == "image" then
				out = out.."{{CardArt|".. card.UniqueName.."}}"
			elseif header == "name" then
				local link = card.UniqueName
				if string.find(link, "(Phase 2)") then
					link = card.Name
				out = out.."style=\"text-align:center;\"|[[".. link .. "|" .. card.Name .."]]"
			elseif header == "description" or header == "desc" or header == "summoncon" then
				out = out.."style=\"text-align:center;\"|".. (_getStat(card, header) or "")
			elseif header == "health" and card.Health == nil and card.Scrap then
				out = out.. card.Scrap .." {{Stat|Scrap}}"
				out = out .. _getStat(card, header) 
			out = out.."\n"
  return out .. "|}"

function sortedCards()
	local sortedTable = {}
	for name, card in pairs(all_cards) do
		card.UniqueName = name
		table.insert(sortedTable, card)
	table.sort(sortedTable, function(a,b)
		return a.UniqueName < b.UniqueName
	return sortedTable

function p.CardInfobox() 
    return "{{Infobox|name=Azul Battle Axe|image=Azul Battle Axe.png|attack=3|description=Apply {{Stat|Overburn}} equal to damage dealt}}"

return p